Over the weekend I managed to find all the paperwork pertaining to the purchase of my curse... er my car. I'm talking about the contract and the warranty information. Of course. I looked up and down and sideways... allover the place looking for that crap and I couldn't find it anywhere. I had to try to get ahold of the dealer to get the info, which was completely unsuccessful because those idiots don't know the first thing about customer service. Then when I do go see them in person, I only end up finding out that my warranty has expired.
To add insult to injury, though, I end up finding all the paperwork this weekend. After this entire ordeal is pretty much over. Just my luck! Where was this crap months ago when my tranny fell apart. No where to be seen. Then all of a sudden it magically appears?! Why does this freakin universe hate me so much?
Well, it wasn't all bad because I was then able to contact the warrany holder directly. I explained to them how the dealer would not return my phone calls when all I wanted was my warranty information, which caused me to have to pay $3500 out of my own pocket for the tranny. Shockingly, they got back to me TODAY... the "next business day." It even sounds like they are willing to work with me on this. They are requesting invoices and proof of purchase, which thankfully I saved (I save everything). So, let's see what happens. I'm not going to get my hopes up, but if they only were to give me back half, that would still help out a lot with the repairs that I have now.
Pray for me, people. I'm hoping some good comes out of all this crap...
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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