Yesterday, after work, I headed over to Hollywood Video to drop off some movies that were due. I get there and almost the entire parking lot is blocked off because it was being re-paved. Nice. So, I have to park a mile away at the 99 cent store and walk my butt over. I pull up and see some dudes outside of the store and I just know I'm going to get at the very least some stares because that's just what guys do.
So, I get out of the car and start walking towards Hollywood Video when one of them says something that I really didn't catch. I turn around and he's looking at my car, so I'm thinking, "great. What is wrong with it now." I look at the guy like, "huh?" Then he says, "You live in the mobile homes too, right?"
I'm like, "Yeah," and then turn to start walking. That's when he tells me, "You're beautiful."
(Um... okay.)
Before I can say thanks, this chick comes out and starts telling him to leave me alone. Now this is funny. He says, "Whaaaat.... she lives in the mobile homes too... and she's beautiful."
I just laughed to myself and kept walking to Hollywood Video. It was pretty funny. All I could think was, "did that just happen." It was so random. Hahaha! Then I'm thinking, "Okay, this guys has obviously seen me before, but I really don't remember ever seeing him."
Seriously, almost every time I come home and there are guys out on the street in the park (mostly cholo-looking guys), they try to holler at me, but I kind of just ignore them and keep going. He could have been any one of those guys.
Well, I'm sure me ignoring them makes me come off so concieted and stuck-up, so that guy really must think I am beautiful if he would still try to talk to me even after I've possibly blown him off in the past.
Haha! Wow. I'm glad to know someone in this world thinks I'm worth going the extra mile for. Thanks for the ego boost, homie...
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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