This weekend is the Harvest Crusade. For the last month or so I've been excited about it. I love Greg Laurie and one of my favorite groups, the Katinas, are performing. I really thought it was going to be great because I had it in my mind that Sandy (my unsaved, adopted sister) was gonna come and hopefully give her life to the Lord.
Well, just kidding. Of course, now it's not happening. Grrrrr! When Sandy not-so-convincingly told me that she forgot to email me back to let me know she couldn't come because she was babysiting her niece and nephew (really? Friday, Saturday, AND Sunday?), I got very miffed. It was everything in me not to get upset and call her out on the fact that she knew I was planning this for a while and she knows that this event is happening the whole weeked, but I had to stop myself. That's would have just upset Sandy and not have been a good witness.... and THAT'S exactly what the enemy wants. Plus, it's not her I need to be angry with, it's the enemy.
That's the frustrating thing. Satan really has a tight grip on the things he doesn't want to lose. Sometimes, though, it's hard not to get frustrated with God too, even though I know He is working in HIS time. If Sandy is to receive the Lord, it will be in HIS time not mine. It's just difficult to wait and pray, and wait and pray, and wait some more, just to have to stand back and watch the enemy win little battles here and there. It makes you want to look up to the sky and say, "Lord, I know you are stronger than this guy."
But alas, He has His reasons for everything and in the end, He WILL win. He IS stronger.
Satan might have won a small battle this time, but he is not winning the war. And he's definitely not stopping me from continuing to pray for Sandy's (AND Juan's) salvation...
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
14 hours ago
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