I had a random dream last night... well, I guess all dreams are random; you don't really know what you are going to get when you shut your eyes every night. But I digress.
My dream went like this:
I am in the Middle East working as a secretary (as in someone's assistant; not like Secretray with a big S, a la Hillary Clinton). I am the secretary to someone close to Obama and they have me proofread a letter that is going to be signed by him and given to some top official in whatever Arab country we were in. I'm in a hotel room, looking at this letter, and it's basically trying to appease the leader of that country (big surprise there).
Well, even though I know this letter is meant to appease the Leader and not piss him off, I know that it's going to lead to killings and kidnappings of any Western foreigners, which includes me. So, I get scared and ask the person for whom I am working when the President is supposed to sign this letter and have it publicly released. Why do I ask him this? I want time to get out of the country before it is released and before my life is in even more danger than it probably already is.
So, I finish the letter and take off. I'm walking through the streets as women with burqas on and men in Middle Eastern garb stare at me suspiciously. This only makes me more scared... I'm just waiting for something to happen.
PAUSE: Please note that I don't intend to come off as ignorant or like I'm stereotyping, but this is just the way my dream went. =)
Anyway... I get back to a room (not sure if it's in the hotel or an apartment or what). No one is there, but when I turn around to leave, I see this suspicious-looking guy carrying a dying young man in a white shirt and pants. He puts him down right at the doorway of the room I'm in. Although I can't see anything, I realize that this guy is strapped with bombs that are about to go off. I bounce out of there as fast as I can and before the bomb can go off, the dream changes stories....
Crazy dream, I tell you. I felt like I was in some suspense thriller movie or something. When I woke up, I was pissed at Obama. He really is blind. I know it was just a dream, but it does reflect my fears of how foolish Obama is when it comes to dealing with countries that hate us and want us destroyed. I don't feel safe with that man as my President and it's starting to carry over into my dreams.... I guess all I can do is pray for him and for the protection of this country. Not that I think our last President was the greatest, but I sure don't see Obama making sure we are safe the way Bush did....
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
15 hours ago
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