So, I'm into my second week of my new position in Administration. So far it's going great! I have been nothing but busy and that's the way I like it! On top of that, for now, I'm highly appreciated and welcome. Unfortunately, the previous person sitting at this desk was not too capable (partly because she is almost 2 years into recovery from surviving a brain aneurysm) and it didn't help with the workflow around here. I am pretty capable, so I'm hoping to be a big help to these people. I've already begun to re-organzie, so hopefully I can be a little more help. Thus far, it seems like it... though I'm still just learning the ropes.
In other news... I must have been more stressed than I thought about this work change because I broke out in that crazy "leprosy" again. Yes, the Pityriasis Rosea is back. So, now my torso and neck are covered in little red semi-itchy dots. Great. The thing that sucks is I again got a large one right in the middle of my neck. I was so paranoid yesterday that people at church were gonna think I had a hicky or something. lol. Seriously though, I don't think the kids' parents really want to leave their kids with a potential flousy. Hahaha! Just kidding. Oh man! At least this stuff doesn't break out on the face...
Speaking of the kids, I've been working with them for almost 3 months now. Why does it seem like longer? I don't know, but I do like it a lot. The kids are great. Even the little bad ones (I'm not naming any names. lol). They are too cute!
Women's Bible Study groups are starting up again next month. I'm so happy! I've missed it! I know it's going to be a great blessing to me. I've been so busy and/or lazy (lol) that today was the first time in weeks that I sat down and read the Word. No bueno. That's what I love about Bible Study though--it keeps me in the Word. Can't wait!
One more thing. I've been on Facebook now for a couple of months, and seriously--no joke--EVERYONE is on Facebook. I have found so many more people there than on MySpace. I'm talking long lost neighbors that I've known since I was like 6, plus a bunch of my aunts and uncles, which is great because I found an album full of old, really embarrassing pics of them from the 70s that I posted up and tagged them on so all their friends could see. Muahaha! I know I'm evil, but I'm sure they are devising some sort of plan to get me back this very moment. Thanks, Facebook. =)
(By the way, if you read this [does anyone?] and want to find me on facebook, I'm pretty sure the URL is I'll come back and update it if that's incorrect.)
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
14 hours ago
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