I love the show "Jon & Kate Plus Eight." Partly because the kids look just like me when I was their age (lol), but mostly because they are an awesome, loving family who is making it despite the odds so stacked against them. EVEN with all this tabloid crap, which I did not feed into and still don't really believe, I wanted to believe they could get through hard times.
Well, that was why I loved the show. Now it seems everything is unraveling and they are giving up, and not only is it upsetting for them, but it's upsetting to me and many other loyal fans. Just like I saw in another fan's post, I believed that they were a symbol of hope... hope that families can make it and stay together, no matter what struggles they might have. I believe that families can work, but how do you convince the rest of the world when even the Gosselins are having issues?
After seeing last night's episode though, it seems like hope is lost. It seems like Jon and Kate have fallen prey to this world and the "me, me, me" syndrome. One wants one thing and the other wants another thing. What's their solution? To drift apart, instead of to band together and compromise... instead of to turn to the LORD and their pastor and believing friends. Not to sound judgemental of my fellow believers, but once upon a time they were Christians, right?
Why don't they do whats best for everyone? Walk away from the show and the spotlight now, while you still can.
Now, it appears that Kate has gone Hollywood and Jon wants to hide away and pretend none of this ever happened. Meanwhile these poor kids are about to see their family fall apart in front of the entire world.
Last night, after watching the premiere, I went to bed sick to my stomach and crying. I was literally crying! Why? Because I know what those babies are going through. Because I know that they can do better than this. Because I know that all they have to do is cry out to the Lord, but they are forgetting about that now that they have book tours, money, personal assistants....
Lord, please remind these people that all they have to do is turn to You and You can fix everything. You hate divorce and for good reason! Amen!
Now onto some even cheerier stuff.
Am I the only one noticing that the gas prices are rapidly going up, yet there is not even a peep about it in the media? That's interesting, since I saw unleaded for $2.72 this morning. That's close to $3.00 again!
What's even more interesting is that when our previous president was in office, we frequently heard about the high gas prices and how it was his fault and blah blah blah. Now we have a new president and you don't hear one word about the gas prices... from ANYONE.
What's my theory on this? Well, we can't mention anything negative because it might get unjustifiably blamed on our do-no-wrong president. We can't have that happen to the savior of the world.... Ha!
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
14 hours ago
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