Anyone who knows me well knows that I’ve never been in a long-term relationship… I don’t think I’ve even really been in a short-term relationship actually. Things just haven’t work out for me in the love department. Most of the time, with God’s help, it’s because I’m able to gather that the person is just not right for me. Or sometimes it just not who God has in mind for either of us. That's okay though.
Well, I have something to confess. Some may notice that I don’t’ have a lot of spare time lately. That’s because I have someone in my life. And I don't think I've ever been this happy before!
*shock**gasp* lol
He is great. He respects me and loves me for who I am. He has given me back my self-esteem and dignity. He holds nothing in my past against me. He forgives me immediately when I do stupid things. He helps me to see the positive things about myself and about every situation. He gives me hope about the future. He makes me feel secure and safe. He protects me. He supports me. He is the eyes behind my head, making sure I don’t get myself into a bad or stupid situation. He holds me and wipes my tears away when I’m sad or hurt. He gives me great advice and listens when I need to get stuff out. He doesn’t hold it against me when I’m having a bad day and take stuff out on Him even though He doesn’t deserve it.
Man, who could ask for a better relationship? No one on earth could do for me what He has. There’s no comparison
Are you jealous yet? Do you have someone in your life who does ALL those things? Well, you don’t have to be jealous. You can have Him too… I’m willing to share. Lol.
Yes, if you haven’t guessed it, I’m in love with Jesus Christ.
He is all those things and more and if you don’t have Him in your life, you are missing out on fulfillment, peace, satisfaction, and joy.
Want to know how to get into contact with this catch? Open up your Bible. It’s his love letter to YOU!
Love you guys. Love you, Jesus. God bless!
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
14 hours ago
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