So, I finally was approved for the Children's Ministry at my church, Calvary Chapel Chino Valley, and had my one-on-one with one of the leaders, Linda. I will be officially starting next weekend. That's if I don't come in this weekend (Mother's day) to help out... that all depends on whether we do anything for my mom, which I doubt since she's working, as usual.
I'm really excited.
Okay, well, when I was on my one-on-one, I did become a little apprehensive for a second when she started going over the potential issues you have to deal with (e.g., kids biting each other and parents not being too happy about it). I also really had to face the fact that I'm not going to have as much free time anymore on the weekends because this is a total committment--as in if you aren't going to make it, you have to get someone to cover... yikes! That scared me at first, but then I snapped myself out of it. Or maybe the Holy Spirit snapped me out of it, huh?
More time serving the Lord is NOT A WASTE OF TIME! The Devil just doesn't want me giving any more of my time to the Lord, so he was trying to scare me. Well, it's not working! I'm so in and ready to commit myself to the best of my abilities.
I really am excited to do this. I'll be working with the 1-year-olds, which is totally my favorite age group. My niece, Kaylin, is in that group right now and she is so awesome... even when she's being bad. =) So, I'm looking forward to all the little ones. Plus, I didn't mention this to Linda, but I am so good with this age group and they generally love me and are comfortable with me, so hopefully me being there will really help them out. We'll see.
So yeah...
Lord, keep your hands on me as I serve You by serving Your little ones. Give me patience, gentleness, and loving kindness so that I can serve them as unto You. Thank You for this opportunity and for the opportunity to bless others. In Jesus' name, Amen!
Next up: Getting Baptized at my church. Can't wait for the next round of baptisms because I'm very ready!
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
14 hours ago
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