Yes. I do enjoy my thesaurus. lol. But anyway.... Man this world is a twisted place. Observe:
I just read that Perez Hilton posted up a below-the-skirt shot of Miley Cyrus. Uh, Miley is underage you jacka**. (Please excuse my language.) That is just sick. Please don’t let anyone do that to one of Perez’ underage female family members….
Why is our president still here? This man hates the country that he leads. He is surrounded by shady people who also hate this country. He has dropped the ball time and time again since day one of his presidency (oil spill anyone?). I cannot wait for this term to be over so we can get someone in there who actually has even an ounce of experience and knows what he’s doing. Like I heard someone say this morning on the radio: His only job skill is reading Teleprompters.” Yippee! *sigh*
I read yesterday that the NAACP is seriously angry with Hallmark because in a SPACE-THEMED talking card, the characters refer to a graduate conquering black holes in space. They are seriously saying that it sounds like it’s saying “black hos.” Really? REALLY? Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time someone has complained that the SCIENTIFIC term Black Hole is racist. A couple years ago a Dallas County Official also tried to say that it’s racist. SERIOUSLY? Are we really that racially sensitive? Get over yourselves, people. Next thing you know, National Council of La Raza is going to be royally pissed off that they named one of the most deadly and feared spiders a “Brown Recluse.” Ay ay ay…
The other day I set some people off when I said that Depression is a sin (I’ve also written a blog post in the past explaining why). They all jumped onto the whole Depression-is-a-Mental/Physical-Disorder bandwagon. Yes, and so, they say, is Kleptomania…. It still doesn’t mean that stealing is okay. Sorry! The moment we started making up disorders for every kind of sin, was the same moment we stopped being accountable for anything we do…
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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