I don’t know if I can live with my sister and her best friend. I love my sister. She is probably one of my best friends, but I don’t know that I can LIVE with the two of them. They and I just are different people.
For example, I believe that it’s inappropriate to enter someone’s room without knocking when the door is closed. The person probably has a good reason for having their door closed….. like maybe being NAKED or something. *sigh*
It’s also a privacy and respect thing, right? RIGHT? Someone please tell me I’m right and not just blowing things out of proportion.
They also have this tendency of tag-teaming you and thinking that just because the both agree on something its right and you are wrong. For example, their answer to the above offense is, "it doesn't bother us." So? That makes it okay then? No. There are plenty of things that people agree on, but are still wrong to general society. This is not a majority rule thing. It’s about common sense and consideration of others.
I think what they need to do is just grow up and learn to live with other people who don’t happen to be exactly like them and do things exactly the way they do.
Living with my Dad, I learned how to live with someone who doesn’t always agree with you and isn’t always considerate. I learned to adjust my expectations and become more accommodating.
With these girls, I’m trying to be accommodating, but in the process I’m getting trampled on. I try to bite my lip and to pick and choose my battles, but when I do speak up I immediately get shut down. I don’t know if I can do this…
The other thing that is bothering me is this whole quasi-communist/socialist way that they want to do things. We each pay an equal portion of “rent.” This money is not just for rent though; it’s also for utilities, cable, phone, AND food. Sounds like a good deal right? At first I thought so too.
Now, I fee like everything up to the food I don’t have a problem contributing to. I just have a problem with having to pay for food that I may not eat (I hate dark meat chicken!) and then having to shell out extra money for extra things that I want because they have a “special diet” and don’t think they should have to buy those things. Then to add insult to injury, I have to hide that extra stuff, or it will get eaten like its part of the community pot of food…without even asking either! *sigh*
This is why communism/socialism doesn’t work: in REALITY, everyone paying “equally” is NOT in fact fair. Not only do we NOT get equal portions of anything, but we (meaning ME) don't seem to get equal say in anything.
Maybe I just need to speak up and say that I would prefer to purchase my own food and be responsible for cooking my own food. At least it will make my “rent” cheaper.
Anyway…. All this kind of scares me in a way too because I think, “what if I get married and I can’t live with my husband? What if it is me who is the problem?” I don’t know. I had my complaints about my Dad, but I didn't feel like I was living under a dictator, or like I was being unreasonable about things. He did his thing and I did mine. We lived in relative harmony, so I know it's possible.
All I know is that I’m trying to consider others before myself and live in harmony and blah blah blah, but I don’t know if I can live under Fidel and Raul Castro for much longer….
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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