There is a serious problem in this country… in this world. I call it the flake-ademic.
Thank God I seem to have a natural immunity to it, but unfortunately, many around me are infected. Big time.
“Am I infected?” you ask.
Possibly. Here are some of the symptoms:
I regularly and consistently:
- Am afraid to disappoint people, so I say yes when I really mean no and have no intention of following through.
- Bail out on commitments at the last possible minute.
- Make a commitment and then when I can’t make it and the person is calling to find out where I am, I don’t answer or may even shut my phone off.
- Make multiple plans for the same day and time, forgetting that I’ve already committed to something/someone else.
- Use other people or things as excuses for why I all of a sudden can’t make it.
- Never apologize for never showing up.
- When someone asks me a question about something that I know I can’t or don’t want to do, just never answer because that’s easier than saying no.
- Make plans with people and then bail out on my own plans at the last minute.
If 2 or more of the above describe you, then you might be a FLAKE. Please get yourself checked out. At the very least, please sit down and reflect on who you are as a person. You probably don’t realize that no one trusts you and no one feels like they can rely on you. In fact, every time you bail out, they most likely roll their eyes and say, “big shocker!” Worse, if you actually have a legitimate excuse for once, no one believes it.
(Please note: If you’ve done these things once or twice in your life, than you are just human. No need to worry. Just make sure you monitor yourself just in case it progresses.)
Do you really want to live with this disease? I doubt it. So do something about it, PLEASE, for the sake of your friendships and even your children, because this seems to be a genetic disease also…
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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