Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Seriously, I don't know what to do with Gatito anymore. I discovered that he has Separation Anxiety. Apparently, it's something that normally happens to dogs, but that they are seeing in cats now too. Basically, he does inappropriate things (like peeing on the couches) because he has grown attached to us so much so that it causes him extreme anxiety when we are not home. Our couches are completely ruined, to the point where we went out on Friday to Easy Life Furniture and purchased a whole set of brand new leather couches. I insisted upon leather, hoping that it will deter him from peeing where we sit, but I'm not even positive that it will work.

Well, this morning I wake up and my dad tells me that once again, Gatito has peed on the couch and that he "kicked his a$$." He really must have because Gatito was nowhere in sight. It took me about 10 minutes to finally find him huddled in fear under my dad's bed. It broke my heart. It's really hard because on the one hand, I understand how my dad felt and it's been hard for me not to do the same to Gatito when I have sat down on the coach only to feel a wet spot of piss under me. You want to ring his little neck. At the same time though, I know that it's not his fault that he is this way and that he doesn't truly understand.

I blame this on Mike Monroy and all of his stupid, idiotic friends. They did this to him. The poor cat was totally abused and passed around, to the extent that when Gatito finally came to me, it took months for him to even let us pet him with our hands. He was so traumatized. Now, because we don't abuse him (well, at least we didn't... lol) and we show him real love, he has gone to the other extreme to where he is so utterly attached to us that he can't even stand it when we are not with him, which causes him to flip out and start peeing on the couches. In a way it's touching, but that doesn't mean it's okay and that it should go on uncorrected.

How do you fix this? I am seriously at the end of my rope. I have even gone so far as to put my hands on the cat and pray to God that He heal him emotionally. The articles that I have read suggest behavioral modifications and even antidepressants, but how much is that going to cost me and do I have a guarantee that it will work? I really don't know. My only other option is to give him away or put him down. I can't give him away because it is cruel to make him re-adjust to a new place yet again, after all that he's been through, but I cannot fathom the thought of putting him down either, even though it would save him from all this anxiety and heartbreak. He is not even 3 years old! I seriously don't know what to do and it's tearing me apart!

In the meantime, I'm going to take him to the vet and see what they say. I'm praying with my heart of hearts that they can help me. Please, for our sakes and Gatito's, I pray that we can fix this somehow because he doesn'tdeserve to be beaten or yelled at or sent away or put to death. If anything, I don't deserve it either. I do love the little stinker. I just wish I could somehow make Mike and all his stupid friends pay for this. In the end, this is their fault. They seriously should never be allowed near animals or anything innocent really...

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Best Years of Our Lives...

I saw an old movie (1946) this weekend of the same name. It was sooo good.It's about three different men from the same town coming back from service in WWII, how they meet, and how they deal with coming home. One of the men comes home and meets one of the other men's daughter. They end up falling for each other, but it can't happen because he's married. Unfortunately, he comes back from the war to a wife who is money hungry and unhappy with him because his glory days are over. He hates her, but theyare married--back then you didn't just leave one another because you weren't getting along. He tries to make things work, despite the fact that he knows he is in love with his friend's daughter. It gets to the point where she vows that she is going to break up his marriage because she knows that he loves her and not his wife and she knows how horrible his wife is. Fortunately for her, at the end, his wife ends up leaving him because he's not good enough and doesn't make enough money, which totally leaves the door open for him and his friend's daughter to be together.

Man, this movie really hit home for me. It made me think of a very similar situation between myself and a former boss at the old office I was in before this one. I totally fell for this guy, despite my best efforts, and I think despite his own best efforts, he did the same. He also is married to a wench who doesn't deserve him. His problem is that they have children. He is a good guy, and I don't see him leaving her or causing any harm to his children by breaking up their family. The only way he is ever getting out of that one is if, like the movie, she leaves him. Unlike the movie, however, I don't see that happening. This woman is crazy, possessive, and jealous... she's not letting go of him. I'm sure that God did not intend this man for me, and I certainly wouldn't go so far as to try to break anyone's marriage up, but it's hard. I see this movie and it makes me cry because I wish I could have had the happy ending that they had in the movie, but I know that could never be and I think that's probably what makes me love this man even more... he is an honorable man. =(

Oh well. Everything happens for a reason. I know God has a plan for me and is getting me ready for the man that I'm supposed to be with. Thank you, Lord. Your will be done...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Love. Sick.

I know I promised to write about my trip, but I'm just not up to it yet... It's a lot to go over. I will get to it though. I promise.

Anyway, so I have been sick literally from when I was in Ireland up until now. I have been only doing half-days at work and then coming home. I have a constant headache. I swear. I can barely concentrate (but enough to write a blog, huh... =P). Well, while I've been home I've just been planted on the couch, watching chick flicks. lol. I found this movie, Love + Hate, on On Demand (Time Warner) under Sundance in the Free Movies section. I swear to Bob that this has to be one of the most romantic stories I've ever come across. It literally made me sob. Not from the story, but from a sheer longing to have love in my life. I literally sat there and cried, begging God to put someone in my life. Stupid story.

I don't think I've EVER felt this much of a longing to have love in my life. I have hit my limit. I don't know how much longer I can wait. I don't want to feel down on myself or get depressed over it. I'm not depressed at all. Maybe it's the fact that I am sick right now and not in my right mind, but I just want to cry at the thought of not having someone. I don't feel lonely in any way except in the love department. In that way, I feel like I am on a desert island with no hope of rescue.

I'm trying to snap myself out of it. It's not good for me to think this way or dwell on these types of things. I also feel guilty because I am only sending God the message that 1) I don't trust in Him (in that He will provide me someone) and 2) that just He alone is not good enough... meaning, I won't be happy on this planet with just His love, but that I need the love of another human being in order to feel like I am fulfilled. As a Christian, that is wrong and if I were God I would be insulted and wouln't want to give me a thing. Fortunately for me, He is a loving God and I'm sure His heart hurts for my pain. I know He want to give me everything I want, but He needs more from me.

I'm sorry, God. Help me to be content no matter what my situation. In the same breath, though, I will say that You told us, "ask and you shall receive." I am asking right now with full faith and love that You put someone in my life who loves You and through that will love, cherish, and honor me, and to whom I can do all the same. Thank You. All good comes from You.

See, now I feel better. =)

Friday, November 9, 2007

A quick hello from Ireland...

Bad me! I haven't blogged at all while in the U.K. I meant to, really, but we've been so busy. Now, our last night here, I have a wee chance to sit down and write a bit. =)

We have done so much in the last 9 days. I won't go into it yet... I'll do that when I'm back at home and can sit in front of the computer for a long while without being bothered. Of course, there is so much, so it will probably have to be in chapters. lol.

I have to say of both London and Northorn Ireland, I've had the best time in Ireland. It's my ancestry and my family. London has the history and the feel of a metropolitan city, but it doesn't have the ancestry and the family. The family we have met here have been wonderful and I really will honestly miss them... really. They have made us feel so at home. I definitely want to come back soon and definitely with my sisters. They have to experience this beautiful place.

I balanced my checkbook today and I have nearly spent all of the $800 I saved up, but that's easy here since the dollar is so weak and is only worth half of the pound. We literally spent twice the amount in dollars on everything. For example: If I spend £15 on souvenirs, I was spending a little over 30 U.S. dollars. Horrible. Oh well, it was all worth it. I am bringing back some cool stuff too... stuff I can pass down to my children.

Thanks to this trip, I am even more proud of who I am. It really makes me emotional. My people (both Irish and Mexican) are good people. They have their bad points, but they are good and I am proud to be both. This is a trip I will NEVER forget...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

On my way...

The day has finally come. We are off to England and then to Ireland. Our plane leaves tonight at around 8PM. I can't say I am excited just yet, but that could be because this is the first time I have been able to stop and take a breather. At work it has been non-stop for me because the other Secretary has been out for about 3 weeks now because of all of her medical issues and an apendectomy that she had to have as a result of one of those medical issues. So, I've been doing the work of like 4 people and boy has it been crazy.

I am so glad to be going on vacation! I just needed a break from work right now. Don't get me wrong, I love being super busy and productive at work because 1) it makes me feel useful and 2) it makes my days go by in a flash, but it's hard because it physically wears you out. No lie! By yesterday I was so out of it, I could even remember what a vaccuum was called. My mind is just so warped from thinking about 20 million things I have to do at once. =)

Anyway, I can't wait to get over there. I know I am going to have an awesome time and I am very excited about meeing and hanging out with my family in Ireland. My mom's cousin already has me set up for two nights of pubbing it with her kids. Her daughter is taking me out one night, and her son is taking me out the other. I'm sure that will be fun.

Being the Titanic buff that I am, I also can't wait to see the old shipyard where the ship was built. Belfast is where the Titanic was built by Harland and Wolff and Belfast is where we will be staying in Ireland. I can't wait to see it and see if there is an energy there. Everyone knows I don't believe is reincarnation or communicating with the dead and all that crazy stuff, but ever since I can remember I have been interested in the Titanic and I dream that I am on the Titanic on a regular basis. I just can't help, but feel like I have some sort of connection to it.... Hmmm... Let's see what I find out when I'm there.

Okay, well, I gotta go finish packing and then go shopping for some last-minutes before we head out to my momma's house. If I find access to the Internet, I will definitely be writing down what we've been up to.

Okay.... England, here I come!