Seriously, I don't know what to do with Gatito anymore. I discovered that he has Separation Anxiety. Apparently, it's something that normally happens to dogs, but that they are seeing in cats now too. Basically, he does inappropriate things (like peeing on the couches) because he has grown attached to us so much so that it causes him extreme anxiety when we are not home. Our couches are completely ruined, to the point where we went out on Friday to Easy Life Furniture and purchased a whole set of brand new leather couches. I insisted upon leather, hoping that it will deter him from peeing where we sit, but I'm not even positive that it will work.
Well, this morning I wake up and my dad tells me that once again, Gatito has peed on the couch and that he "kicked his a$$." He really must have because Gatito was nowhere in sight. It took me about 10 minutes to finally find him huddled in fear under my dad's bed. It broke my heart. It's really hard because on the one hand, I understand how my dad felt and it's been hard for me not to do the same to Gatito when I have sat down on the coach only to feel a wet spot of piss under me. You want to ring his little neck. At the same time though, I know that it's not his fault that he is this way and that he doesn't truly understand.
I blame this on Mike Monroy and all of his stupid, idiotic friends. They did this to him. The poor cat was totally abused and passed around, to the extent that when Gatito finally came to me, it took months for him to even let us pet him with our hands. He was so traumatized. Now, because we don't abuse him (well, at least we didn't... lol) and we show him real love, he has gone to the other extreme to where he is so utterly attached to us that he can't even stand it when we are not with him, which causes him to flip out and start peeing on the couches. In a way it's touching, but that doesn't mean it's okay and that it should go on uncorrected.
How do you fix this? I am seriously at the end of my rope. I have even gone so far as to put my hands on the cat and pray to God that He heal him emotionally. The articles that I have read suggest behavioral modifications and even antidepressants, but how much is that going to cost me and do I have a guarantee that it will work? I really don't know. My only other option is to give him away or put him down. I can't give him away because it is cruel to make him re-adjust to a new place yet again, after all that he's been through, but I cannot fathom the thought of putting him down either, even though it would save him from all this anxiety and heartbreak. He is not even 3 years old! I seriously don't know what to do and it's tearing me apart!
In the meantime, I'm going to take him to the vet and see what they say. I'm praying with my heart of hearts that they can help me. Please, for our sakes and Gatito's, I pray that we can fix this somehow because he doesn'tdeserve to be beaten or yelled at or sent away or put to death. If anything, I don't deserve it either. I do love the little stinker. I just wish I could somehow make Mike and all his stupid friends pay for this. In the end, this is their fault. They seriously should never be allowed near animals or anything innocent really...
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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