I know I am blessed. I know this is MY year. For the first time, the good things that happen to me far outweigh the bad. I love it! I love that I can see it! God is good to me, despite myself. =)
I was down for just a moment last week about the job and guy thing, but I'm over it.
I stopped communicating with him and then, through different educational resources (both Christian and secular), realized that my problem was that I was trying to do the take-action, guy thing instead of letting him do that. He's the guy... that's his job and guys like that jobm and when we let them do it, it helps them to like us even more.
Oops. Won't be doing that again. ;)
Well, I stopped communicating and sure enough he got curious. It was nice that the theory was proved, but he still didn't poke his head around enough and take action, so I'm pretty much no longer very interested and leaving that one alone. I am chocking it up to a learning experience on what NOT to do.
I love learning things and changing, so I'm actually happy for this experience. I'm starting to see what works and what doesn't. It's nice to feel like you have a game plan (for lack of a better term--it's definitely not about playing games). I want to be the girl who is easygoing, not controlling, and can communicate her feelings in a way that makes a man respond positively instead of negatively (freaking out and running.... lol).
We'll see what happens. I have promised myself that I will not be committing to anyone for 6 months because of all I have going on. So for now it's practice, practice, practice!
I heard some promising news about my house. We are still waiting for bank approval, but they think it looks good. I am excited, but not letting myself get too excited. I almost bought some candlesticks for the house the other day, but stopped myself. I know it's silly, but I feel like if I buy anything I will jinx everything. =)
My sister is about to give birth and we still haven't seen each other since St. Patrick's day. It's kinda strange, but at the same time, it really doesn't illicit any strong feelings on my part. I just miss my niece, Alexis.
The other day, the Lord impressed it upon my heart to have a spirit of reconciliation, so I texted my sister. I basically apologized for hurting her in anyway and told her that I don't want to have problems because the Lord commands us to forgive. I also told her that our relationship will never be what it was, but I still love her and my niece and nephew.
She responded saying that she forgave me and knows that much of what happened was her doing. She also added that she loves me no matter what.
That was that. I don't think it will and frankly don't want it to lead to us going back to speaking and sharing our lives with each other, but at least I know I can be around my sister and not have a large amount of animosity toward her. My brother-in-law on the other hand.... lol.
Seriously, though, I love my sister and the kids, but I really don't want anything to do with that man anymore. I don't NEED to have him in my life and I don't WANT to have him in my life. I think I have to forgive him because that's what Jesus commanded us to do, but there is nowhere I know of in the Bible that says I need to have him in my life or ever even be in his presence, so yeah.
Anyway, things are good. Hopefully very soon I will be able to anounce a new house and a new member of the family. =)
Thank you, Lord, for your abundant and undeserved blessings. I know I don't deserve them AT ALL, but by all means, keep them coming. =)
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
I don't know what happened to you and your sister, but I'm glad to hear about a reconciliation.
And you're right about your brother in law. Forgiveness is when you can pray for them and there be no animosity against them. It doesn't mean that now you have to invite them over for tea. There's such a thing as loving people from afar.
Also, I'm glad that that guy was a learning experience for you.
By the way, I noticed you and I are both in California. Where is Lake View Terrace in comparison, to let's say San Francisco.
Lake View Terrace is in the San Fernando Valley... in the Los Angeles area. Pretty far from San Fran. :)
Yeah, it is far. Not sure how many miles, but it is far.
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