... must come down, as they say.
Everything has been going great. I'm on track to be in my very own first home soon. I've gone on some decent interviews. I'm now down a total of 22 lbs. Etc., etc., etc.
But now--today--I feel like it could all implode.
Well, first let me add one more seemingly good thing to the list: I met a nice guy in Vegas over the weekend.
So nice, he hiked all the way from the Luxor to my hotel, Ceaser's Palace, at 2:30 in the morning just to hang out with me... no funny business. Do you know how far that is? (Google it. Its far. ) He was nothing but a gentleman. A tall, handsome PE teacher, likes kids gentleman who seemed to like me, of all people. He was too good to be true.
So now I'm back to reality.
What happens in my reality? You get word that you weren't chosen for the position you REALLY wanted. Rejection. You don't hear from the guy you REALLY wanted a chance to get to know. Rejection.
(Please don't let the house be next, Lord.)
Now, even though I'm trying very hard not to be, I'm slipping into a funk. What am I doing wrong? No, what am I doing right? That way I can continue doing it and make this disappointing feeling go away.
Lord, I know I need to keep focusing my attention on You. You're all that matters. Help me...
Things were going so well...
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
15 hours ago
Sorry to hear about the guy and the job...but if it makes you feel any better..maybe the Lord has something better for you.
I hope it's okay for me to say this, because when I use to get in a funk, scriptures was the last thing I wanted to hear..but here goes:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding.
Hope the rest of your week is alot better.
Thanks, LOVE. I know the Lord always has something better for me, and that's what I lean on. I did hear from that guy, but I know it's going no where, so I pick myself up, dust myself off, remember that God still has a plan in the works, and keep moving. =)
I'm glad to hear it Kristina.
You seem like a nice young lady. I'm sure things will start looking up soon.
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