In the last two years, the state collected just $9.9 billion in unemployment insurance taxes—but it paid out $20.6 billion in benefits during the same time. California recently had to borrow $8.5 billion from the federal government to pay for the unemployment benefit obligations. If the state doesn’t pay off its loan from Washington, D.C. by 2012, it will owe a $362 million interest payment. That’s an expensive fantasy to finance—and California can’t print Monopoly money to stay afloat.
Monday, November 29, 2010
The ship is sinking...
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Life on the sidelines...
I'm trained, I'm willing and I'm feeling very ready. It's just the Head Coach hasn't called me in yet. Sometimes, I trust Him and I know that He knows exactly when He'll need to put me in. He knows when I'm truly ready. Other times, I'm looking at Him like, "Come on, man! Put me in!" I'm feeling resentful towards Him and I feel like He's completely forgotten that I'm even on the team.
I don't know what to do anymore. Do I just quit? Do I train harder? I guess it's the latter. I need to train myself on Him. Well, that's easier said than done in this crazy world, Coach. I just need some encouragement. I need some hope that there is a shot for me in the game eventually. I need hope that I even belong in this game.
I'm tired of living life on the sidelines. It's no life at all... Which is why I've decided that game or no game, I'm making a new set of rules for a new game. I'm moving to Dallas after the new year.
Something needs to change. Something's gotta give. Maybe a new stadium will be just the trick...
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Dear Lady Who Cut in Front of Me in the Drive Thru,
TRUE STORY. Dumb lady...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I DO NOT Heart California...
I can't take it anymore. I want out...
I didn't get around to writing about Dallas because there isn't too much to write, but I will say this: I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!
I want to move to Dallas. It has become my Mecca and I am determined to go there. Their economy is SO much better. Their taxes are low. They are business-friendly and there are jobs. The people are a lot more decent. All things that California does not have to offer.
The only thing California has on Texas, in my book, is Disneyland (well, my church too, but there is a Calvary Chapel in Dallas). That's it. THAT'S IT! I don't need Disneyland. I love Disneyland (truly), but I don't NEED it.
I think it's time for me to go on my own adventure to Texas. I think it's time to spread my wings and fly.
Now for a plan...
Monday, November 15, 2010
Yeah, I’m not moving anymore. I went to check the house out over the weekend and found out that my future room was the size of my current bathroom. My bed would barely have fit in there, not to mention my dresser. It wasn’t doable. Plus the drive was a LOT further than I had anticipated. Mission: Live with Strangers is a no-go for now. =(
Or we can go on Craigslist and get a “new” one…
The dryer is completely kaput, so I finally got on Craig’s List and we found one for $100. Yay! One broken item handled--a million to go. I wonder if we can get a water heater on Craigslist? I should check when I get home.
Or we can “shower” Tijuana-style…
Yeah, by the way, the water heater is now completely dead too. All we have is ice cold water. Woohoo! We are doing it like the family in Mexico and boiling a pot of water to bathe ourselves. Sounds like fun, right? No. No it isn’t. Especially when you don’t have heat in your house and winter is fast approaching.
Or I can finally look for a new church…
Since I’m not moving back to the area anytime soon, returning to my beloved Calvary Chapel Chino Valley is out the window. I guess I need to just get over myself and look for a new church out here. Obviously, God has placed me here for a reason and He has no intention of moving me just yet. I think I will bite the bullet and check out Calvary Chapel Pasadena already.
Or I can dream of moving far away to Texas…
I got back from Dallas last Thursday and I already want to go back. I totally LOVED it. It’s just so much better out there in so many ways. The economy is a bazillion times better and there are jobs. The people are a lot friendlier. There is room to grow. I already know people out there. It’s just so much better than this Hell-hole called California. Truly…
(I’ll write more about Dallas later…. Wait for it… wait for it…)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Victory! Mostly….
Not all was great though. In my state of California, not only did we keep Barbara “I worked hard for this title” Boxer in office, but they re-elected Jerry “I never had a plan” Brown as governor.
The people of California also passed some really stupid bills. We have now eliminated a 2/3 vote in the state legislature, making a majority vote enough to pass legislation, which is nice for the Democrats who are the majority. They can now run wild raising taxes and making our economy even worse than it already is (look at our uber high State unemployment rate, people!) by driving business away. They also passed a bill that will let Cap and Trade go into affect, despite our high unemployment rate. This means more taxes right when we don’t need them and even more driving away of businesses.
Back to the bright side, though: The marijuana legalization bill did not pass. Thank you, Jesus. I am not trying to drive along side and work with people high on Marijuana. It’s bad enough with people who drink and drive, or worse people who don’t use common sense when they are completely sober. Plus, I heard a very good argument the other day: People make good money selling marijuana. If it were legalized, these people would most certainly turn around and start pushing harder drugs to make up for the good money they were making on weed. So yeah. No thanks on the legal marijuana.
Overall, I can’t complain too much. Things ARE going to change. I believe it. We the people are not joking.
As far as California goes, maybe I should just move to Texas after all…. LOL
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
"36 Reasons to Vote Democrat"
November 02, 2010
Thirty-six Reasons to Vote DemocratBy C. Edmund Wright
In the spirit of bipartisanship, I humbly offer this learning tool to help folks decide whether or not they really do want to vote Democrat in the 2010 midterms.
1. If you want the American government to be feared by the American people -- but laughed at by Hugo Chávez and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad -- vote Democrat.
2. If you want to agree with John Kerry that American voters are stupid and distracted and uninformed -- vote Democrat.
3. If you moved your 7-million-dollar yacht to Rhode Island to avoid taxes -- vote Democrat.
4. If you want a "dude" president -- and not the shining city on a hill -- vote Democrat.
5. If you want to pay through the nose in taxes until you are 70 so union thugs in purple shirts can retire in security at age 50 -- vote Democrat.
6. If you like the fact that people who actually know the Constitution get laughed at by people who are ignorant of it -- vote Democrat.
7. If you want the entire country to be like Detroit, Philadelphia, New York, New Orleans, Chicago -- vote Democrat.
8. If you fear the Chamber of Commerce more than you do the Ground Zero Mosque -- vote Democrat.
9. If you think liberalism and socialism have done a good job of managing the incredibly beautiful and rich state of California, vote Democrat.
10. If you want a government bureaucrat, who can no doubt access your voter registration records, to determine whether or not you get a hip replacement or a cancer treatment -- vote Democrat.
11. If you want to pay six dollars a gallon for gas -- vote Democrat.
12. If you want electricity bills to "necessarily skyrocket" -- vote Democrat.
13. If you think America deserved what it got on 9-11 -- and that we can handle another such attack -- vote Democrat.
14. If you think that Club Gitmo, which was not even operational on 9-11, is why "they hate us" -- vote Democrat.
15. If you think our economy will boom with government bureaucrats making twice what similar folks make in the private sector -- vote Democrat.
16. If you think there's nothing wrong with Jerry Brown admitting that the last time he ran for governor of California, he "had no plan" -- vote Democrat.
17. If you think anything has changed about Jerry Brown and his plans -- vote Democrat.
Read on...
I vote for change...
These people have been weighed and found wanting.
You've been in these office for far too long (for some decades) and have been given your chance to prove that you are for us, We the People, and not against us, and you've FAILED. So move out of the way and let the new guys in. It's time for some REAL hope and REAL change. Time to reduce the debt and the size of government...
If you're reading this and you haven't voted, get out there and do it already. I don't care if you agree with me or disagree with me. Too many people have fought hard for this right. Women, you've fought hard for this. Blacks, Hispanics, etc., you've fought hard for this. Military personnel, you've fought hard for this. Everyone else, this is you're right and freedom. No excuses!
God bless you and GOD BLESS AMERICA!