Whaaaaaaat?! I know. Crazy, right?
My cousin Kristi is currently on a missions trip in Peru (I wrote about it here). She’s serving in an orphanage in Trujillo for a year. I am so proud of her, but before she left I was a little sad that I wasn’t able to do something like that myself. Because I got myself into all that debt, I put myself into a position where I am trapped and not able to serve the Lord fully with my time like we singles are meant (and commanded) to do. I am a slave to my debt, which is a big no-no. Thankfully, that won’t be for much longer.
Anyway, my aunt Jackie, Kristi’s mother, is already dying to see her daughter (they are beyond close). She shared with my Mom that she wants to go see Kristi soon. Unbeknownst to me, my mom was already thinking about sending me to Peru and shared that with my aunt. So they decided that my Mom would send me with my aunt—not only to see my cousin, but to act as a translator for my poor aunt who doesn’t know a lick of Spanish.
My mom broke the news to me a couple days ago that they were thinking about it and trying to figure out the right dates. They were looking at October. I got to work and started looking at October on my calendar and it wasn’t looking like a good time for me, so I was getting ready to tell them both that I didn’t think I could do it.
Then I got a voicemail from my aunt last night. She had spilled the beans to my cousin, who in turn told her that October wouldn’t work for her either. So they moved it to November. I came to work this morning and looked at the calendar. November is PERFECT.
So IT’S ON! I’m going to Peru.
I can’t believe it. I never really thought I would travel to South America, let alone Peru, but I’ll take it!
What a blessing. Thank you, Lord. You are way too good to me. This may not be a full-on missions trip, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be used in the short time I’m there.
How exciting!!
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
15 hours ago
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