I've been away from Pomona/the Inland Empire and living with my sister and her BFF in my Mom's old house for a little over 2 months and one things' for sure: I detest the Valley and I want to go back to Pomona/the I.E. as soon as possible.
The problem: I don't want to live with my parents and I know that the Lord has put me where I am for a reason (don't know what that is yet), as well as to help my sister.
I've tried to settle in and, to be honest, as long as I don't have to leave my house or be in the general vicinity of my house when not inside (a.k.a. in the neighborhood), I've been fine, but I just don't like it. It's worse when I go to Pomona for Dentist appointments and such. The minute I set food in my parents' house, I feel right at home and remember just how convenient and much calmer the whole area is.
I haven't been to church since I moved, save for Father's Day at Calvary Chapel Chino Valley and this last Sunday, when I house-sat for my parents, which also meant a trip to CCCV. Other than that, I haven't even attended the church I used to go to before I moved to Pomona. I'm just not interested. I can't help but feel like my church home is CCCV and no where else. And I miss it DESPERATELY!
All this to say, I think when my cousin returns from her mission trip to Peru in exactly one year (she left this last weekend... so proud of her!!), I'm going to ask her if she wants to get an apartment together in maybe the Covina area.
I'm going to pray on it, but I already feel like it's a good idea. I can come back to the area I've grown to love, but I won't have to live with my parents and I'll still be independant. Plus, it would be great to live with someone who loves the Lord so much and who I can trust (like I do now), and BONUS: who won't mess with my stuff. lol
We'll see. Check back in a year and we'll see what God brings into my life from now until then. =)
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
14 hours ago
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