This weekend I've been on and off Facebook debating with friends (and even family) about free healthcare. Being that this is California/Los Angeles (the land of the liberal), the majority of my friends on Facebook are for ObamaCare and free healthcare. I am not. I'm not going to go into the whole debate, but you can read my opinion on ObamaCare here.
What I have told many people and what I have written in other places is that I blame a lot of our "problems" with healthcare on us, Christians. Jesus told us to sell all of our possesions and help the needy. He told us that "whatever [we do] for one of the least of [His] brothers," we are doing for Him. (Matthew 25:39-41) Conversely, whatever we are NOT doing for our brothers/neighbors, we are NOT doing for Him.
The fact is that we are not doing what the Lord asked us. We are not sacrificing our time and money to help others. There are people out there who are sick and in great need and we as Christians are not doing enough to help. We live these comfortable lives and maybe donate here or there to some special charity... we might even drop some pennies in a jar for needy kids at the Store. Meanwhile, we go home and sit in front of the tv, munching on popcorn, nice and comfortable. (I'm talking about myself here!) All this time we have to devote to NOTHING, when we could be out there doing SOMETHING for the least of our Lord's people.
Well, in all this debating the Lord has convicted my heart. "What are YOU doing, Kristina?" I'm doing nothing, Lord. I'm sitting on my butt doing nothing, but flapping my lips (or typing away) about what we need to be doing, like a big fat hypocrite.
That has to change. I am single. I have no big obligations to anyone. I have plenty of free time. I only volunteer at church 2 times a month. I have no excuse to not be out there helping my community and doing unto my brothers and sister as I would have them do unto me.
The truth is, I should be dropping everything and going to Mexico, or Africa, or even South Central L.A. full-time and reaching out in the Name of the Lord. Unfortunately, I am slave to my debt and can't drop everything right now, but that doesn't mean there is nothing for me to do. Sooooo, this week, I'm going to start looking into volunteer opportunities in my community. I need to walk the walk, and talk the talk. Otherwise, I AM a hypocrite and I should be ashamed.
Lord, use me.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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