One of the ladies from my Bible study emailed me the other day asking for a favor. I'm thinking, "all of us have not gotten together for a while, maybe she wants me to plan something" or "maybe she needs me to get a hold of Diana" (since everyone knows we are buddies now).
Nope. She asks me if I'm still single and if I would be okay with having her son give me a call. (!!!!!) At first, I'm like, "oh yeah!" Shoot, I'll take any opportunity for the Lord to put someone in my life... plus, brownie points because the mom likes me. =) BUT (and there's always a "but") I started to remember that this is the same son for which she always requested prayer... prayer for his salvation. That's when I thought, "I don't know about this."
Then she emails me telling me that she really only wants a friend for him right now. Okay. I'm totally down with that. In fact, even if he were a believer, walking with the Lord, I would still want to just start out as friends. I've learned my lesson. =)
She tells me that she invited him to church (yesterday evening's service) and that maybe I could meet him there. I'm not really expecting him to show up and when service is over, of course, he's not there. So, she's talking to me and showing me pictures of him and the house he just bought (and even was taking pictures of me, which was uber embarrassing, I have to say!), when her husband comes up to us.
She tells him that I'm the girl "she was talking about" (meaning for her son, I guess). He immediately says that he loves his son, but he needs help and that we would be unequally yoked (okay, you know someone is not good for you when even the person's parent is saying that it's probably not good... lol). That's when I had to make it clear that I was only trying to be friends with this guy because I will NOT date someone who doesn't have a relationship with the Lord. (I totally got a high-five from the dad on that one. Ay ay ay!)
I think she knows that, but still wants us to hang out. I'm fine with that and I hope that I can be an example to him and maybe be used by God to bring him to the Lord, but I definitely will not be romantically involved with this dude, unless the Lord makes it clear that he is the one He has for me.
I need a man who is mature in Christ. I don't have time to be wasting on someone who is not up-to-speed. I know that sounds harsh, but I think being unequally yoked not only means that both of you are not believers, but als that both of you are not at the same spiritual level. I am not necessarily a fully-matured Christian, but I'm definitely not a "Baby" christian. I need someone who has reached the same level of maturity in their Christian walk as I have, or even better.
I'm a woman, not a man. It's my job to encourage my soon-to-be-husband, but I don't think it is my job to teach and admonish him. He should be at that place in his life when we meet or get together. Afterall, he is supposed to be the Leader, Priest, Provider, and Protector, not me.
Let's see what happens, if anything...
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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