Today I got a "talking to" about my attendance. Lately I've been out a lot for different little reasons (not feeling well, cramps, wedding stuff, etc.... valid things) here or there and I guess the big boss has been noticing. It was pretty funny. It was funny because her Secretary (the same person who I am happy is leaving) was out ALL the time, and this woman is far more important (in theory at least) to the Section than I am. You never saw her getting a "talking to." All I know is that my work has not suffered and I have not screwed anyone because I wasn't there... That's way more than I can say for the other lady.
Well, now that this wedding and other stress is out of the way after this weekend, I should not be having a reason to miss anymore work. So, I guess I can't make any long weekend plans or anything anytime soon. Idealy my next day off should be the 5th of July, which I requested off in advance. I'm sure now that the evil one is gone, I won't feel like I don't want to be at work as much and I won't be compelled to miss a few hours here and there. We'll see...
Man I cannot wait until the De La Hoya fight. I loves me some boxing! Nothing is going to stop me from seeing this fight. I hope he gets his butt whooped. I can't stand that guy. Although, he sure is one speedy little sucker. He can throw them punches at 100 mph. Ick. He makes me sick. He needs to fight Pacquiao again... haha! That was a good fight... Pacquiao handed him his booty on a platter.... muahahaha!
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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