I am beyond proud of being Mexican--believe me--but this is part of the reason "the man" is not going to want any of us around.
I love my people, but they need to get over the whole concept of Aztlan, as hard as it is. I very much believe that all this land that Chicanos call Aztlan (all the land acquired through the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo) was acquired ILLEGALLY. It was. As soon as Santa Ana was captured he automatically lost his presidential status and did not have the legal power to sign over all that land (for example: If Bush got captured right now he would be declared unable to fulfill his Presidential duties, Cheney would become President, and Bush would lose all power to sign treaties), but let's not get too deep into that... if you are interested, look it up.
Anyway, yeah it sucked, but it's over and done with. There is nothing that can be done this far down the road. So, let it go already! If anything, despite it being illegally taken, this land benefited from being part of the U.S. In Mexico it would have gone to waste. It would have been full of corruption and crime, just like a lot of Mexico is right now. Let's be real.
As far as people getting amnesty and all the rights that we legal folks enjoy, I'm sorry, but negative! Now, this is hard for me to say because my dad was given amnesty, but you know what? My dad has worked his a$$ off since he's been here. He's never been on welfare. None of that craziness. He never demanded anything. He worked for it. People, Mexican and otherwise, want to come here illegally, demanding stuff. What?! If I was to sneak into Mexico and then popped up at a government agency demanding that they give me money and food stamps what do you think they would do? They would laugh in my dang face!
Come on, raza. Abrense los ojos!
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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