Wow, this was a popular weekend for me. I had two--count 'em--TWO visitors. First Kim came down on Saturday to spend the weekend. She, my dad, and I went to the drive-in and saw Hot Fuzz and Disturbia. I definitely liked Disturbia better. I normally love British humor and I liked Shaun of the Dead (same actors in this film), but I wasn't feeling Hot Fuzz. Disturbia was alright. Your basic thriller, but it was enjoyable enough. Can't really complain, since we only paid $7 per person for two movies. Kim had enough fun just acting a fool like a bunch of twelve-year-olds (cracking stupid jokes, farting under the blankets, pigging out on crap, etc.). It was fun.
Kim spent the night and then this morning we woke up, had breakfast and just chilled a little. I really missed spending this kind of silly, stupid sister time together with Kim. It's been sooooo long since we have been able to hang out like this. I forgot how much fun we can have together (fake karate chops, clowning, dirty jokes, etc.)... that's the kind of stuff you lose when everyone grows up and gets married and becomes an adult. Aw. It shouldn't have to be that way, but I guess that's just what happens.
Then Misty texted me that she was on her way and to start cooking. LOL. So, I had Kim help me make some chile rellenos. We did a good job and they came out deliciosos, if I do say so myself. =) The three of us just chatted over stuff and watched some TV. Nothing too special, but still enjoyable. Then Kim left and Misty and I decided to go stop off at a cafe or something. We ended up at a little Rubio's-type place. We sat there and talked. That was cool.
Man, I loves me some Misty. She really is the greatest. When there are people in your life that make you as happy and feel as loveds as Misty makes me, hold on to them. These are the kind of people you want in your life until the day you die. =)
Thank you, sister, and thank you, Misty. I had a VERY nice weekend.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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