Katie bought herself a car this weekend all by herself. It's not her first time paying for her own car, but it's her first time going and getting it and taking care of the business part of it, plus paying for it, on her own. I know how that feels. That feeling of independance and the thought that this is something that you are investing in and belongs to you, well, they both give you this high. I'm proud of her for it. I'm always proud of her though. She's good with her money overall and is saving and planning for the future... Just like God instructed. She is my hero when it comes to that stuff.... Haha... My baby sister is my hero...
My baby cousin (who is not a baby; she's 20), Kristi, got baptized this last Saturday. All I can say was that it was a very emotional event. I was proud of her for standing up like that and proclaiming her love for the Lord and her dedication to Him. I really got to do that myself...
Miguel is graduating from CSUN this weekend. Yay for him. It seems like he's been in school since I've known him. That's since we worked together at Magic Mountain at Main Gate... way back in 2001. 6 years! Sheesh, Miguel! Took you long enough. =) Just kidding. I am proud of him too! That's a lot of hard work and it sure has paid off: He already owns his own home, makes great money, and is starting up his own business.... That's awesome for a little dude from Guerrero, Mexico. Love you, Miguel...
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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