Acts 14:22 "...'We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,' they said."
It's been about a month since my last post. Have I gotten over homeboy yet? Of course not. That would mean that the devil decided to leave me alone for once. Not happening. lol
I still pray for him and think about him, and I've even sent him a couple of devotionals, but I know now that it's pointless and I need to just move on. Well, prayer is not pointless, but holding on is.
This man is over it and is showing it by being very rude and un-Christianlike toward my friend who sits next to him. The day before yesterday was the last straw for me. She emailed me and told me that he came into work being overly friendly with everyone in the room and completely ignoring her. I can't help but feel that his behavior toward her directly reflects his feelings toward me. His message is being read loud and clear.
I just have lost so much respect for this man and am still in shock that he's acting like this, but I am starting to become mad. I know he feels guilty over 1) the lack of respect he showed me and our friendship; and 2) the way he's walked away from the Lord. My friend is a reminder of both, but that in no way means she deserves this type of treatment... especially because she has been nothing but gracious toward him despite the way he treated me.
It's just sad that someone could treat his sisters in the Lord in this way. I used to think he was a good man, and I know somewhere in there he still is, but maybe these are his true colors. Well, I suppose these are all of our true colors when we aren't walking with the Lord. *sigh*
Needless to say, I am definitely moving on at this point. I don't even see being friends with him anymore. He has shown himself to be unreliable, selfish, and full of pride. I know the Lord will bring this man back to a right relationship with him (He did it with me). I just pray it's sooner rather than later.
I do have some good news: I had put a backup offer in on a condo I really liked. I didn't really think it would happen because its in a highly sought-after complex, but I guess the Lord has His own plans, right? I got word from my realtor last week that the orginal buyer walked away and they wanted to submit my offer. To say I was excited was an understatement. Although, I try not to get too excited because, just like in my love life (lol), the minute I get attached, shazaam! It's gone. For now, I'm hopeful and feeling like this is going to be my house. Please, Lord, let this be my house.
Lord, I thank you for loving me so much. Even when certain areas of my life feel like unrepairable mush, there are still other things that I can continue to rejoice over. You are way too good to me and I know that the blessings will always outway the heartbreaks, though they continue. Continue to make me better in You. You are all that matters.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago