We look at men without jobs like they are good for nothing. When they are choosing to be out of a job, I would agree, but many nowadays aren’t choosing to be out of a job—there aren’t enough to go around. I blame the economy just like everyone else, but I also blame Feminism. If women didn’t demand to be in the workplace when they're married instead of being at home with their kids, there would be more jobs for men. Jobs aren’t the only things negatively impacted by this though. There would also be more marriageable men out there because they would be expected to be working and more responsible at earlier ages. So yeah, I blame feminism for taking away what men were born to do: WORK.
It’s great to see how the country was able to send a big message to Washington when they voted a Republican into the Massachusetts Senate seat yesterday. What’s the message? “Even though we are a liberal/Democrat state, we DO NOT LIKE what you guys are doing and we want our voices heard!” The rest of the idiots better watch out because there are plenty of elections coming up in November and they are all in danger if they don’t start to listen to the voice of the people… especially on the proposed Health Care bill. We don’t want it! Understand already!
It royally pisses me off when a so-called “Christian” leader, like Pat Robertson, says some ignorant crap that makes the rest of us Christians look like total insensitive, judgmental jerks. To imply that Haiti had it coming because of a myth (Google it, Mr. Robertson) about selling its soul to the Devil is stupid. Even if it were true, did he really think the world was going to look at that statement as anything other than CRAZY? Ay ay ay! Hasn’t he read the multiple verses in Proverbs about a wise man knowing when to keep his mouth shut? *rolls eyes* This is why I don't watch TBN... bunch of false and foolish teachers!
If the Left is going to call the Tea Party Movement members “Tea Baggers,” which is totally crude and disgusting, then can I propose that we call them something equally crude like “D-Baggers”—as in Douche Baggers? LOL. Oh, I crack myself up sometimes.
And those are my thoughts of the day….
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
14 hours ago
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