Excuse me for interupting "The Decade in Review." It will continue shortly. In the meantime, here is some politics for you....
At work I’m surrounded by Liberals. It’s a given when you live in Southern California and especially when you work for the Department of Public Social Services (a.k.a. the Welfare Dept.). Most of these people really believe they are helping the poor and not perpetuating dependence on the government. It’s noble idea, but it’s not reality. Many of the people who are receiving aid through this department have been in the system since they were children and really don’t care to become self-sufficient. You know this because when they call the first thing out of their mouth most of the time is “I want MY money!” Yes, that money that you have worked so hard for all of your life. Pul-leeeease!
I’m going off point here. Sorry. Back to my MAIN point.
With many Liberals come crazy post-feminist ideas. This morning I got a little of it from the big boss. For the second time since I started working in Administration, he chided me about my shoes. What’s wrong with my shoes, you ask? They aren’t ugly. LOL. Well, that’s not exactly what he said…
We both walked into the building together this morning and as we headed up the stairs, he asked if my shoes hurt me. I told him they didn’t and that they weren’t high heels (he had previously given me a hard time about my 3-inch heels). He then pointed out that they were very pointy (implying that they must squeeze my toes). I then assured him that my feet were quite comfortable.
Then it came out (and I’m paraphrasing here): “Fashion shouldn’t hurt,” and, “You’re health shouldn’t suffer for fashion…. I’m talking about your future health too.”
Ay ay ay! Now this man didn’t come out and say “Listen, this is a modern society and women shouldn’t have to bend and distort their bodies just to fit the image of what society thinks is beautiful…” and blah blah blah, but it was implied.
That may very well be true, but isn’t also the feminist ideal that women are in charge of their own bodies and their own choices? Aren’t we to be informed of all of our options and then, being aware of these options (in this case footwear), isn’t it still ultimately up to us to choose whether we want to bend and distort our bodies in a way that makes us feel pretty?
This is what drives me nuts about the Liberal notion of feminism: They try to tell women that women shouldn’t let society dictate what beauty is to them, but in the same breath are trying to tell women what they shouldn’t be wearing, buying, eating, etc. There is such a double-standard. Aren’t you telling me how I should live as you are instructing me not to listen to how everyone else is telling me how to live? It makes no sense. Hypocrites.
I’m sorry, but I LIKE looking pretty and being feminine, and I’m not down with flats, medical-looking shoes, Crocs, Birkenstocks, and any other hideous hippie shoes. Besides, what does it matter to you if I risk my health while doing so? Oh wait. I forgot it does matter to you because under your Messiah’s… er Obama’s healthcare plan, you’ll be paying my healthcare costs. Oh I see now….
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
14 hours ago
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