I can't remember whether I've mentioned this before or not and I don't feel like going back to check, but I am really longing for some Christian girlfriends that are my age! I need people I can relate to.
What do I relate to? Singleness. Being a young Christian. Being a young girl in Los Angeles. Trying to stay pure. Trying to prepare one's self for a future husband. Lonliness.
These are all thing that other young Christian girls would be able to relate to me on. Currently, my friends are all either single, but not Christian, or they are Christian, but not single. The only people that I can relate to right now are my sister, Katie, and my cousin, Kristi. The problemo is that Katie lives far away and Kristi is uber busy these days. I need someone HERE and NOW!
What's my other problemo? I am way shy, folks. I am. I can go to countless young adult studies and never once talk to a soul. I am not the approacher. I'm the approachee. lol. This is why I need a more intimate setting in which to get to know people.
So, I've been praying and trying to be more approachable and friendly. But it's not working. I work with a young girl in Children's Ministry. I try to talk to her and be friendly, but she seems to want nothing to do with me... since day one. The only friends I've made are slightly older ladies who are married. Can't really do much or relate much with them. It's nice to have these ladies in my life, but it's not the same.
Well, now I have my new year of Bible Study and there are tons of young girls in my group. I'm hopeful, but then I'm not. I really want to do my best to make friends with at least a couple of these girls. I am insecure though... me and girls my age don't usually mix well for some reason. I hope that changes!
Lord, help me to be what You want and need me to be. Help me to have boldness to step outside of myself to befriend these girls. Some of them are new believers and I have a lot of knowledge that I know could help them in their new walks, but I need the courage to put myself out there first. Help me to be a good witness and testimony to them. Please also give them the understanding and patience that I know it sometimes takes to have me as a friend. =) Amen!
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
14 hours ago
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