Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The year of losing things...

So, yesterday I found out that my promotion to Senior Secretary II was not approved. Sad day. No, really... I was very sad about it, but what I wasn't was angry, and definitely not with God. I had already told Him that if it didn't work out I wouldn't be angry because I know He is in control and has a reason for it. It's just upsetting when you get yourself excited about something and then it falls through. I'm also a little peeved with myself for counting my chickens before they hatched. I probably shouldn't have agreed to the very expensive Invisalign for my teeth before I knew for sure that I would be making more money. Now my goal of paying down my other debts is going to be a little more difficult to achieve. I'm going to have to really start controlling my spending. (Maybe that's another thing the Lord is trying to tell me... lol.)

Anyway, losing that promotion got me thinking of the many things I seemed to have lost so far in 2009:

A LOVE INTEREST -- Yeah, I guess despite dating for about a month I never really had him, but the opportunity was lost.

The good that came of it: The Lord kept me out of a relationship with someone who was not ready and not spiritually mature. We would have been unequally yoked.

GATITO -- Lost the cat for a week, which was devastating.

The good that came of it: He came back and I learned that 1) God loves me and I need to trust Him, and 2) I needed to appreciate my cat more. =)

SECRETARY IV POSITION -- Like the Sr. Sec. II position, I thought I had this one in the bag and that I would finally be getting out of this Section.

The good that came of it: It showed me that people don't necessarily hold my youthfulness against me AND that people recognize that I am talented at what I do.

CONTROL -- Nothing bad about this one. I finally decided to surrender to the Lord and let Him have the control. It's the best thing I've ever done and it's thanks to that move that I'm able to even cope with these losses. He is SOOOO good to me, and I totally don't deserve it!

Even though I've been able to see what the good is in each of these situations, I don't always know why God does what He does, but I do know that He knows what He's doing and it will work out for His good:

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. -Isaiah 55:8-9

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11

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