Men/guys/dudes/boys that is... They are all the same.
It doesn't matter what age, race, background, etc. they are. They are all the same.
I spent my 4th with someone yesterday who I really thought would be different. He's much older than the guys I've ever dated, but I felt like I was with another 20-something-year-old. Even at his "advanced" age he still is not ready to settle down and be with only one person, or to stop playing the "game." Wow.
Wtf is wrong with this world? Does no one have family values anymore? Will I never find a man that wants a family, doesn't want his wife to work, is done "spreading his seed," wants to devote his life to one person, wants a nice, virginal young lady to bring home to mom, etc.? Fricken frack!!!! I feel like I need to go to the-Middle-of-Nowhere, Oklahoma, in order to find a good guy.
Makes me want to cry right now!
The funny thing is that this guy pretty much acknowledged that we are not on the same page, yet he still seems to like me and even called me this morning to chat (which seems to happen to me a lot). Ugh. Why, dude? You know we are both wasting our time. Neither one of us wants the same things. I give up. I'm already moving on to the next prospect because Ms. Kristina is not in the business of trying to change people or their minds about things concerning love. Either we are playing off the same sheet of music or we are both playing two different tunes.... I'm not trying to teach you my song. Either you are playing it or your not...
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
14 hours ago
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