Okay, maybe it's not that exciting... yet. It will be tomorrow. So far it's pretty dull... just a few Happy B-day text messages from the family and Mandy. The other secretary called in not feeling too well so I am here at work alone and wasn't able to go to lunch with Liz (she was going to treat me for my birthday). I'm not mad at the other secretary though; she has a lot of health issues, so I'm not trippin'. As long as she gets herself taken care of, because really, I've had my fair share of losing those I care about around my birthday. lol. No, I know she's not going to die, but you know... You never know with me. I'm cursed.
Speaking of cursed. This morning I swear it sounded like someone was stealing my cursed car. I almost got up and looked out the window like, "what the..." but then I thought, "that would be the greatest birthday present ever" (well just behind he Coach bag... haha!). Of course, when I left for work the evil one was still there. Dang! It must have been the neighbor leaving. Oh well. I guess now it can never be stolen because then the insurance agency will somehow see this blog and say that I paid someone to steal it... hahaha!
So, I have another Secretary III interview on Monday with the Purchasing Dept. and it's way closer. It's about as far as my current position is. I would love to get it because 1) I wouldn't have to drive any further than I already do and it would be off the 10 fwy. instead of the wretched 60; and 2) having purchasing experience dealing with purchase orders and stuff is always good... I can get me into accounts payable, which is very good.
I feel bad because I'm sure that the man I interviewed with really wants me and I really wanted to go with him, but the idea of not having to drive practically all the way to the Valley, sounds much more appealing to me. Plus, I like that it's close to this office, so I can totally have lunch dates with my boss or Liz every once in a while. We'll see. Either way, whichever I take (or am given) will be a good opportunity. I will be moving up and making more money. I won't be sitting in the same spot vegitating and never going anywhere in my career. We'll see what happens...
Vegas is tomorrow. Can't wait! I know we are going to have a good time. I just hate that drive... Of course, I'll let you know what happens when I return... Back to work now....
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
14 hours ago
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