So, Vegas is in two weeks. Yeeeesssss! Can't wait. I need this and I better have fun. I won't be putting up with anyone's crap. Seriously. I am not afraid to go off on my own and have my own fun if I have to. Nothing is stopping me from having fun in Vegas. Woohoo!
Going to a wedding today. Going to get all prettied up and go have a nice time. I'm even down to get up and dance with people and everything. I wonder if there is an open bar? Just kidding. I don't need to drink to have fun...
Ramon called me last night. I was shocked. I really thought I made it clear that we were done with, but I think he just couldn't handle it. He must like to suffer because he kept wanting to hear me repeat what it is that he's done wrong and that I don't want anything to do with him at this point. He just doesn't get it. I felt bad a teeny tiny bit, but for the most part I was irritated that he was still picking at the scab. Let it go, man. Let it go...
My dad finally introduced me to the guy at his office that he wants me to date. =) It's so funny to me that my dad is trying to hook me up, but he actually didn't do a bad job. The guy was attractive enough and tall and very nice and he's Christian, which is the best part of the whole thing. He seemed interested too, but shy me didn't say much. I'm going down there next week for an interview, so I told my dad that we should go to lunch and to bring him. I'll do better when we are not surrounded by their co-workers. =) We'll see... I know my mom and sister are trying to hook me up with someone at their job too.... I'm keeping my options open, baby...
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
14 hours ago
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