I've never wanted to be married more than I do right now in this very instant, because if I were married I would be able to adopt a child in need. =*(
I'm reading my cousin Kristi's blog about the Peruvian orphanage in which she is serving at this very moment. She has links to some of her "co-workers'" blogs in the column to the right. In their blogs they get into more detail about the children, some even providing a lot of photographs.
The more and more I read the stories and look at the photos of these amazing children, the more and more I ask myself, "Why are you not doing this also?"
Then that question turns into a thought: "Better yet, I wish I could snatch one of these kids up right now and give him or her a home."
I can't though. Not right now, at least. I don't believe in being a single parent on purpose. I don't think that's what the Lord has in mind for me.
But then again... a home is a home, right? These kids need a home RIGHT NOW!
Lord, make a way. Maybe You just need me to go serve as a temporary parent. If it's Your will, make a way...
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
14 hours ago
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