"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth." -Revelation 3:15-16
So, Friday night I had dinner with Diana. Diana is my friend from Bible study who set me up with Henry. Of course, we couldn't avoid the subject of our mutual friend. =) It ended up being so enlightening and encouraging to me.
That same day I was supposed to go to her work (where he also works) to do lunch, but I had to cancel because I had almost forgotten that it was my responsibility to go online and get tickets for Coldplay.
BTW, we totally got seats 7 seats back from the stage. WOOHOOOO!!!!!
Anyway, she was telling me how she had mentioned to him that I would be dropping by for lunch, but that I had cancelled because of Coldplay tickets. He laughed and said they were gay (whatever!), but then said he was kidding. Then he told her to say hi to me. She once again reminded him that he can always call me and tell me that himself. lol
Well, then she told me something very interesting. She got into how some guy at work, who is his friend, started making fun of her faith, saying, "oh aren't you one of those NOTW people?" (referring to the Not of This World brand). They all laughed, INCLUDING HENRY. Instead of defending the same beliefs that he holds, he joined in on the attack. WOW. Diana was so shocked and disappointed in him, and then told him later on that he knows better. He did apologize... on the down-low, of course.
Do I think he is this horrible person because he didn't stand up for her? No, I really don't. This situation is, however, very revealing. It confirms what I kind of suspected already: Henry is not spiritually mature.
I now know that the Lord took him out of my life because he still has a lot of maturing and growing to do. He is still living with one foot in this world. He is still worrying about what the world thinks of him. I just hope he opens up his eyes and picks a side soon. Because I really don't want him to meet Jesus in heaven and have him say, "depart from me. I never knew you."
So, I'm gonna keep praying for Henry. I'll pray that he opens up his eyes to the Truth, and that the Lord will set his heart on fire for Him. I'll pray also (and I say this with all humility) that when this does happen that he doesn't regret that he walked away from what he asked the Lord for: a spiritually mature girl, which is what I am growing to become in the Lord.
I am also going to rejoice in and praise the Lord for watching my back. I need a spiritually mature man. Not a young guy, living for this fallen world...
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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