Much has happened. I guess. =) I haven't written in almost a month. I've been bad lately. It's because I am so busy at work (which is where I usually blog from) because the other secretary has been out due to surgery for the last month and will be out until mid-January... at the very least. So, I get home and I just want to lay on the couch until bedtime.
Dad was in a bunch of pain a few weeks after we returned from England/Ireland. Turns out he has a blood clot in his leg. He and I hung out the entire day at Kaiser to find this out and then spent another few hours in the ER getting it "taken care of" (that's in quotes because in reality they are so incompetent that I really question whether it was taken care of). He is now on blood thinners and will have to be for at least another 6 months. Fun. Dad was out of work for about 3 weeks, which he totally hated, but he got all kinds of attention because of it, which I think he totally loved. =) All in all, looks like all will be okay. I love my dad and I am glad that he will be around for a while longer. lol.
We ended up getting new leather couches and Gatito seems to be doing well with them. He has not peed once. He did vomit one time on the loveseat, but it was easily cleaned. We figured out that he was sick and was overeating. I took him to the vet and poor guy had a TERRIBLE ear infection. The stuff the doctor took out of his ear was indescribably nasty. So, I had to leave him there for a few hours while they sedated him and flushed his ear out. That was about a week ago and there has been much improvement, although I do need to bring him back again next week for more cleaning, which isn't cheap (ay ay ay!). He does seem much better though. =)
Christmas was nice. We did the Christmas morning/opening presents thing at Kim and Mike's. It was cool because it made it easy for Sandy, Juan, and Kaylin to make it and spend that special time with us. It was very nice and I really enjoyed myself. Plus I hit it big with gift cards like In&Out, Visa, and Target, which is nice because I am so broke because of Christmas and I can use these cards to survive until next payday. =)
I've been meeting all these new babies belonging to friends lately and it's been nice. They are all so cute. They are blessed. I'm jealous, but more than anything, I am happy for these people. The really are blessed.
Mandy and I really have a good friendship. It really has developed into a mutual respect and love for eachother. I really do know that I can count on her and I know she knows that she can count on me. I'm thankful for that. She is crazy though. She got me Coach sunglasses for Christmas. She is too much. Now I have to try to top her. =) I will be doing New Year's eve with her and I know we will have a great time.
I'm not too sure if anyone at all reads this thing, but if you do, I hope you have a great 2008. I plan to. I can feel a change coming in the wind and I know it will be a good thing.
God Bless!
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
14 hours ago
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