So, yesterday was just a crazy and awesome day (the baby was born, remember?), but it ended kind of poorly. Before I get to that, I have to tell a funny story:
After leaving the hospital and our visit with Sandy and the baby, Katie and I found ourselves at Jerry's Deli on Sepulveda. So, we get ourselves some breakfast/lunch (whatever) we pay our bill and start heading out. As I'm getting my keys out of my purse, Katie stops, turns to me, and says (rather loudly, despite trying to muffle her words), "Is that Bobby Brown?"
First I thought she said, "Is that Bobby Flay?" (My sister is an avid Food Network watcher, so it was a reasonable mistake....hahaha!) I start looking around at all the people standing in the lobby area, trying to spot a red-headed, white guy, when I see Bobby "I-ruined-Whitney's-career" Brown, sitting on a bench, looking right at me, and snickering--mouth open; gap in his teeth and all. (He totally heard my sister). It immediately dawned on me which Bobby my sister was actually referring to. I said with a smile and without moving my lips, "Sho' is," and then we walked out.
As soon as we got outside I was like, "I thought he said he was poor and living in a car?" (Referring to the fact that he is picking up food in an upscale part of the Valley.) Hahaha! I been reading way too much of the Celebrity Gossip blogs. OMG!
That crap was hilarious. We immediately went on a clowning rampage the entire ride to my mom's house. We were saying stupid stuff like: "We should have back-handed him and said, 'How dare you ruin that woman's career!'" We were acting a fool in the car. You know you are washed-up when people are not excited to see you, but amused. Muahaha! Thank you, Bobby Brown, for giving me a good laugh...
So on to the bad stuff...
I'm on my way home from work. I'm tired. I've been on the road on and off for about 5 hours today. I just want to get home, upload baby pics to my computer, and sleep. So, I'm in the fast lane and I'm stuck behind some idiot going only 55 mph. I finally get fed up and do a totally illegal lane change through a couple of different lanes so that I can get back into the fast lane and passed this guy. I bone out doing probably 85 or 90 and take off. So, a few minutes later I decide to get off one exit early so I can drop by El Pollo Loco to grab dinner, when I see the flashing lights behind me. Dangit! I'm caught.
He had been trying to catch up with me since my little manuever. I totally got my first ever speeding ticket. Crap! My good day was totally tainted. I guess it was my fault so I can't get too mad at anyone but myself.... well except for the a-hole going below the speed limit in the fast lane causing me to get mad. =)
Actually, I got off easy. He only got me for the speeding and left out the part where I was tailgaiting the idiot and where I made an illegal lane change, AND he also only put down 80 mph when we both knew I was going more. So I guess I can't complain too much...
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
14 hours ago
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