So, in my previous post I mentioned that I was surprised with a party for my 30th birthday. Well, what had happened was....
A couple of months ago, my sister Katie started asking me what I wanted to do for my 30th birthday. Every year I have to plan my own thing and every year it doesn't work out as planned, for various reasons. This year, I decided I wasn't going to do a thing. I knew Katie and I were already planning our big trip to New York City (48 days and counting!!!! Yay!!!), so I was okay with just that right there. I also kind of just figured this is an important birthday and if people don't feel the need to give me a break from planning duties and do something for me, than forget it. It's not worth all the fuss ([Pity party start] and apparently neither am I! [Pity party end]). Well, Katie started throwing around the idea of a small family dinner. I was okay with that because little by little people were making plans to do things. I knew that I was going to have a great birthday, even without a huge fuss, so the fact that nobody was throwing around huge ideas for what we could do really didn't bother or offend me.
I was just going with the flow. Really never expecting that for once these people were actually planning something huge (that's usually MY job) and planning for months at that. Apparently, there were many occasions were I almost blew my own surprise (like the time I wanted to plan a trip to go wine tasting the same weekend.... that was how I found out about the "family dinner" at a restaurant that my sister had to "pull strings" to get us a "reservation" at.... all a cover, of course.). I can honestly say I was completely oblivious. lol.
Well, they got me. They really got me good.
In the days leading up to the "family dinner," I decided I was going to buy myself a cute and short dress and get all dolled up for my night. "I'm gonna look hot on my birthday night... I don't care where we go." So when the night arrived, I put my dress and make up on and got all cute, thinking I'm going to some fancy restaurant in LA or Hollywood or even Bevery Hills (Ooooo.... aaaaaahhhhhh....). Maybe we would even see a celebrity and I was going to be prepared with my cute outfit. ;)
Or not.... Hahaha! (And I should have known when I saw my sister in a somewhat casual outfit and had to ask her a few times if she was sure that I wasn't over-dressed.)
As we are leaving the house, my sister tells me she forgot to pay the rent and hands me the envelope to drop it off (another time I should have known something was fishy because it was not time to pay rent yet! lol). I look at her like she's crazy, since I have like 3- or 4-inch heels on and hand it back. We get to the front of where we live... where there is obviously a party going on in the clubhouse (once again, oblivious). Then my sister hands me the envelope again and tells me she forgot the directions and that she's going to drop me off while she runs back to the house. I'm like, "Seriously!? You're gonna make me go up these stairs in these heels and this dress in front of the security guard?" Needless to say, I was a little annoyed... especially because this is a new security guard who happens to be cute. =) Also, because I can see that there is a party going on and I don't want these people thinking that I'm coming to their party.
So I get out of the car and sneak my way up the stairs. I think to myself, "I'm just going to slip this in the slot and then sit on this bench so these people don't think I'm trying to come in." I walk right up to the slot and then hear rustling by the door. I immediately think someone is opening the door because they think I'm trying to come in. Crap! Next thing you know the door is open and there is a loud, echoing "SURPRISE!!!!" My first reaction? First, I thought, "these people are confusing me with the person they are trying to surprise," (yes, still clueless) and simultaneously, as I'm thinking this, I'm putting my hand up to protect myself and letting out every cuss word I can think of. (Shameful, I know..... and in front of children! lol)
This is the thing.... I can sit on YouTube all day and watch people getting the crap scared out of them and think it's the funniest thing ever, but if you roll up on me making a loud noise or scare me in general, the ghetto comes out in me and I'm either cussing or punching (or both) you out. It's just a fact. Thankfully, I only cussed. Hahaha! (Sorry, Lord.... and my nieces who were standing right in front of me. Oops! It was pretty much involuntary.)
Anyway, once I put my protective shield (my hand) down, I look over and just see people. When I finally focus I see my friend Suzy and think, "I know her." That's when I realize that this is for me. I walk in and just start telling them that they all suck and they really got me. I had to keep telling myself, "don't be angry... be happy... smile." The instant anger subsided however when people started saying things like, "oh my gosh! You look so great!" and "Oh my gosh, I've never seen you in a dress," and "You look so skinny." Yeah, that's the type of stuff that will make anyone's anger go away. Hahaha!
One thing I have to admit to: I was a little disappointed that I didn't get to go to a facy restaurant. LMBO! Oh well, this was even better!!!!
All I can say from that moment and for about an hour was that everything felt so surreal. They did an amazing job. The food was great. The theme was awesome!!!! 80s!!! The room was covered in movie posters from some of my favorite movies (Goonies, Pretty in Pink, Back to the Future, The Breakfast Club, etc.)! They had a candy table, which included wax lips (I LOVED wax lips when I was little and had just told them about how I insisted on having them at my 6th birthday). They thought of EVERY detail.... down to the big pink cake that was a replica of the cake from Sixteen Candles. You know, the one on the table at the end when Samantha and Jake Ryan kiss. It was so cool!
So many people showed up too... there was even a friend from High School and other people I've worked with over the year. Most of my aunts and uncles were there, including my uncle who came all the way from Poway, which is near San Diego. It really was very special. I felt SO SPECIAL.
All jokes aside, it was AMAZING.
At the end of the day, I don't deserve so much attention. God knows I have my issues. I know I'm not always the easiest person to be around. Sometimes I need to watch my mouth and think before I react. I'm a sinner and I mess up... and sometimes I act like I'm entitled, but the fact is, I'm unworthy. When people do things like this for me, or when God shows any kind of favor towards me, I begin to remember just how unworthy and undeserving I am. Even more importantly, I get a giant snapshot of how blessed I REALLY am.
Thank you, Lord.
I couldn't have asked for better....
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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