I was listening to a sermon today by Pastor Dudley on being godly women. He got to the inevitable part about being pure. He said something like, "Don't let some guy talk you into losing your purity."
I laughed, but then I thought, "that is so old-fashioned."
You might be asking yourself why I (of all people) would say that such a notion is old fashioned, but I'm not referring to what you think I'm referring to.
What I think is old-fashioned is the notion that guys are the only ones giving girls heat about sex. In my experience it seems like the new thing nowadays is not for guys to give you a hard time about staying pure (well, anymore than they always have), but for GIRLS to give you a hard time about it also... and sometimes more heatedly and with lots of disdain and defensiveness.
More and more I'm getting a hard time from other chicks about remaining a virgin until I'm married. That's a big difference from even 10 years ago, when I graduated from high school. Even then I would have girls who lied to me about being virgins because they were ashamed of what they were doing, or I had girls who told me hands-down that they admired me or wished they would have done the same thing. I still get that, but not nearly so much anymore and from hardly anyone my age...
What's the deal, girls?
It's not about being "modern" and "getting with the times." How is disrespecting yourself and your body showing how sophisticated you are? What a lie the world (mostly Feminists) has fed you!
The reality is that these girls are deep down feeling horrible about the lives they have lived and they can't stand the thought of someone else reminding them of that. So, instead of commending you on the wonderful and courageous (and not easy... might I add!) thing you're doing, they want to try to encourage you to join the crowd or warn you that men supposedly really want a girl with experience or just peg you as being judgemental and uptight... all to lesson the discomfort of shame that they feel inside.
What a sad state we are in nowadays when girls are giving other girls crap for staying pure... Maybe our pastors should start addressing this also. It's no longer just the boys we have to warn our daughters about apparently.
In the meantime, I am going to start praying for a revival of purity among women. If women start going back to being pure and seeing it as an ideal, not only will we start to respect ourselves more, but we'll start to encourage each other to do the same. Plus, men might be forced to go back to being gentlemen, because (let's be real) it's partly our fault they have become the irresponsible playboys that they have become. We have given them a free pass to be pigs. After all, generally, they only go as far as we women let them go...
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago