Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Wow, I've been busy, but then I haven't. I haven't blogged since I first found out Kim was pregnant. She is now almost 10 weeks along... that's 21/2 months. Almost done with that first trimester. Alright!
A few things have happened since my last post:
Found out that according to the ultrasound, I don't have ovarian cysts. I don't know... I do know that something wasn't right. He said the next step would be an exam. I'm not ready for that just yet. Like I told my mom, if I have an exam and they still don't find anything, I'm going to be PISSED that I put myself through that for nothing. So, for now, and as long as I'm not bent over in pain, I'm not going to worry too much. We'll see what happens.
I also found out that I will be on the Sec IV list pretty soon. Plus, one of the "big people" knows that I'll be on the list soon and has recommended me for a vacant Sec IV position in the same building, in another section... they just need to wait until I'm on the list. Hopefully that will happen within the next couple of months.
We had a BBQ for Dad's birthday. A lot of people came and it was fun. He got a lot of presents and we got a lot of alcohol. =)
Speaking of alcohol, we are going to Vegas this weekend, and Liz and Mandy will be joining us. We are gonna see the Phantom of the Opera while we are there. I am really excited. Everyone knows I LOVE the Phantom. I'm excited for Vegas too because I need a little break and all the family, including my favorite cousin, Justin, will be there. Should be a blast. lol
I have been working out nonstop since my last doctor's visit where I found out how much I was weighing. I have been working out on the elliptical machine every other day and doing pilates in between that every other day... So, I'm basically switching off every day. I am doing lunges and using the weights almost every day too. I've even thrown in some jumping jacks here and there... lol. I can see a big difference. I haven't necessarily changed my diet for the better, but I can still see that I am in much better shape. All my clothes are fitting way better. I'm definitely going to feel good about the way I look going into Vegas. =) Thank you motivation!
I hung out with Sandy and the baby this last weekend. Just the three of us. Juan and his parents were out of town, so I went down to take Sandy to buy herself a birthday present and to keep her company. I ended up spending the night with her on Friday night. It was sooo fun. I got to see Kaylin take a bath and we totally took a naked photo shoot of her. Some of the cutest pictures of her that I've taken/seen. She was just having the best time with her Tia too. It was a great time. I haven't see her in 2 days and I miss her so much! =) I love my baby!
Well, I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can think of right now....I'll check in again soon....
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
14 hours ago
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