Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Thanks, Six Flags. Thank you very much...

So, I got a letter in the mail addressed from Elkin, et al. v. Six Flags, Inc., et al. I was expecting this. My sister informed me the other day that Six Flags was involved in a class action lawsuit in which they are to pay employees who worked any time from November 2001 through December 2007 a settlement based on the number of weeks they worked there. My estimated settlement payment is $972.97 (before taxes of course). Not bad!

Apparently, according to my sister, some kids got together, with the help of their lawyer uncle, and brought up a class action suit against Six Flags for "work performed prior to clocking in, after clocking out, and during legally required meal and rest breaks" during the time period specified. I don't have to explain what that means. I do recall a couple of times where this applies to me, but it was mostly when I was working under Kim Kirschenbaum (a.k.a. the Devil) up at Main Gate. So, I do not feel bad about getting some of this money. Plus, after giving 5+ years of my life to that hell hole, I think $900 is the least they can do for me.... haha!

So, now Kim, Katie, Sandy, all my former co-workers, and I are all getting checks! Some are small (less than $200) and some are large ($2500). All are appreciated!

Thank you, Lord. Despite my jokes, this really is a big blessing that I really don't deserve. Thank you!

P.S. I also found out that this summer we should all (everyone in the U.S. who pays taxes) should be getting a check for around $500 as a tax refund. It's still pending approval by Congress, but it should be going through. Score again!!! =)

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