So, "Mr F" has been calling everyone, but me since the BBQ. That's funny. Last time we kissed he called me the very next day and was already trying to make plans to hang out again. Not that I'm complaining... lol. Okay maybe my ego is a wee bit bruised. It's funny how even when you really aren't all that interested in someone, it still sucks when they aren't interested anymore or don't show it. That is so messed up, I know, but let's keep it real. We've all done that: Not liked someone who liked us, but then turned around and got mad when they started liking someone else... or something similar to that.
I guess it's not even that I don't like him back, it's just that I know it's not a good idea. I just don't trust the guy and I know I need to be with someone who has the same beliefs and ideas as me. I can't help, but enjoy the attention though. It makes a girl feel pretty. =) Now that it's not so readily available, I'm like, "wait a minute!" lol.
I think part of the reason is that he might have been getting the rejection vibes. Why would he call me when he could possibly get rejected? Or maybe he's just an A-hole. Either way, oh well... his problemo, not mine. I have a feeling that this is not the last time I will see him though, so I really need to make a concerted effort to not give into his charisma next time I see him, otherwise it's going to be makeout city again, because frankly I am a kissing whore. Unfortunately, in this case, if I allow him to kiss me, he thinks he has the upperhand. Negative.
Got paid today and my raise was finally there! Yay! I got a fat check this time because of the raise and because of overtime that I worked. I am so happy because I needed that money for Puerto Vallarta, which is in one week and one day. Woohoo! Plus, there are still a few more odds and ends that I got to take care of for the baby shower, so the money will help with that too.
Taking Mandy to see Wicked on Friday for her birthday, which happens to be today. It should be fun. We have both been wanting to see it really bad. Should be good. Can't wait. After I'm going to take her to dinner. I feel bad because normally everyone plans her this big affair, but no one has this year... bunch of immature, self-absorbed dummies. I swear. I didn't want to do any more planning (I've done enough with this baby shower), so I decided to come up with something she and I could do together without the large crowd. Wicked was the perfect thing. I hope she has a great time. I owe her after the whole Coach purse present for my birthday. Nothing is really topping that one...
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago
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