They just laughed at me. I totally understand why. Back then it was an impossibility. My parents were separated. My sister Kim was married to my brother-in-law Mike and they had their own home in the Santa Clarita area, near his family. Katie just scoffed at the idea--her friends, school, work and life were all out in San Fernando. It's not something I really thought would happen and it's not something they even wanted for themselves.
Well, God had His own agenda. He is a God who likes to prove us wrong and knock our socks off doing it.
It all started with Him bringing my parents back together. Then He gave me my own place out here. Then He took Mike home. Everything changed.
Now here we are. Kim and her kids are purchasing a home in the area. Katie is planning to come out next year when she graduates. By this time next year my silly little dream of our whole family living in this area, together again, will be a reality.
It's crazy. Never did I think things would turn out this way. Never did I think my family would experience the things we've experienced.
God's ways are not our ways and His thoughts really are above our thoughts. He makes no sense, but man is He awesome.
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