Chicago was so awesome! It was a crazy trip full of ups and downs, yet I can't help but say that I had a great time!
Our flight into Midway was delayed and then, after picking up our rental car, we headed over to O'hare to pick up my mom's friend, Marina. We ended up waiting there around 2 hours until about 3:30 a.m. (Chicago time) for her luggage to arrive (which was on another flight). By the time we got to the disgusing rat trap that was our motel, we didn't hit our nasty, stained beds until 4:30 a.m., just as the sun was rising. The naval graduation was supposed to start at 6:00 a.m. Needless to say, Katie and I didn't make it to the graduation. =)
Um, so if you haven't picked up on it yet, our motel was gross. I've never stayed in a more putrid place. As I mentioned, the sheets were stained. Well, not only that but the "comforters" had bullet-sized holes in them, the towels were dingy, there was rat poison under Katie's bed, AND our air conditioner not only didn't work, but then at the end of our trip, exploded--gushing water everywhere. Horrible!
Okay back to the story....
We woke up at around 11 A.M. and decided to go into the city by ourselves while mom and Marina caught up on their sleep. The traffic was horrible and Katie noticed that only about 15 miles north of our motel was Wisconsin, so halfway to Chicago we turned around and headed to the home of That 70's Show. =) We literally began to get giddy. "Sandy is going to be so jealous," we said to each other. (She love That 70's Show and wants to go to Wisconsin desperately.)
We got over the border and lookey here... we see some Outlets. Score! We stop and take pics of the Welcome to Wisconsin sign to text message to Sandy. Muahaha! Then we decide we are going to go find ourselves some real Wisconsin cheese before we head back to the Outlets to check 'em out. We find a place (whose name escapes me all of a sudden), which is chock full of cheeses and crazy meats (I got buffalo meat sticks for my dad to try) and a bunch of souvenirs. It was awesome. Cheese curds.... mmmmmm....
We headed back towards the outlets. Yes! They have a Coach outlet. I'm so there. I ended up walking away with an awesome bag and wallet for a freakin steal! It was so cool. I totally love Wisconsin!
From there we headed back to the motel. We got there just as my mom and Marina were getting ready to head into Wisconsin to see a friend of Marina's. How funny. We were going to go to this Irish bar that we saw on our way in to have some fun. We get all dolled up, pay our cover charge, and head in. What a waste! We got the worse service and were treated like we weren't even there. Why? Because everyone in there was military and we weren't and they knew it. Yeah, we didn't stay there long. We headed back to Hotel of Horror and straight for bed...
Okay, that's enough for now. I'll continue with the story next time....
Isaiah 25:1
“[Praise to the LORD] LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise
your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things,
things plann...
1 day ago
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