This has been a SUCKY last couple of days, but then I finally just heard some good news. First, though, I'm going to go through the suckiness:
This cyst crap has been killing me for the last couple of days. I can't wait to have this ultrasound and start getting this little mother flower treated!
I HATE work... HATE it! I can't stand these people. They are under-handed, evil, hateful, spiteful, petty, deceitful, aweful people! I am miserable, but I'm stuck here. I keep praying that God either gets me out of here or calms me down and makes things better here.
Speaking of work. Called the city of W. Covina and found out that they put hiring on hold for the senior administrative assistant position. Hopefully, by the new fiscal year (beginning in July) they will start up again, but I won't hold out hope since the County is having the same kind of retarded budget issues. Grrr!
Tried to get a consolidation loan through my credit union because the rate I have now on my current loan is killing me and is really just outlandish for someone with such good credit. Well, apparently, good credit means nothing if your debt ratio is bad. So, even though my Fico score is over 700 (also known as "Very Good"), they won't approve the loan because I have too much debt. So, basically, even though I have been very responsible and diligent about making all my payments and making them on-time and above the minimum, I'm still considered a risk. HILARIOUS! The crappiest part of the whole thing is that I wouldn't be in such a high amount of debt if it wasn't for the fact that I've had to make NUMEROUS repairs (in the thousands of dollars) on my lemon of a car (all together, literally, over $10,000 in repairs). So I'm screwed until my mom takes the car off of my hands in August. Once that happens, I'm going to go back and try again.... Until then, it's an OUTRAGEOUS interest rate for me.
Then, I find out a few hours ago that I won't be paying $1100 for my braces like I thought, but instead will be paying $1550. Yay. Insult to injury. Thanks!
Okay, now the good news...
I just got off the phone with my sister, Kim. She was feeling very queasy last night. Non of it could be attributed to a stomach flu or any kind of sickness, so I say, "have you taken a pregnancy test?" She says no and then tells me she plans on doing it. I ask her some other fun questions like, "are you breasts tender?" (too much info... I know). She says yeah. Hello!
So, she took the pregnancy test and it came back POSITIVE! Looks like I will be having a new neice or nephew in less then a year! Of course, we aren't getting ecstatically excited yet.... she's going to the doctor tomorrow to find out for sure. As soon as he/she confirms it, it's excitement central, son! If she is prego, I'm going to be so happy for her because they have been trying for a year now and I know how it feels to want it so bad.
At least I got some bit of good news out of all this crap!
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
“[Praise to the God of All Comfort] Praise be to the God and Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who
1 day ago