However, with stepping out in obedience (separating from the Ex and starting this group), comes attacks from the enemy. I've struggled very much in the last few weeks. I went from a spiritual high and complete trust and faith in whatever God has for me in the future, to sheer terror and worry about my future and what's going to happen with the Ex.
You see, I love him and I know now he is the man for me, but I know that it's not the time and with waiting on The Lord comes doubts as to whether it's what God has planned for me. The enemy has been running wild with those fears. This is his M.O. with me, but he really stepped it up.
Last night I confessed my discouragement to the ladies in the group and what happened was awesome and definitely from The Lord. It was revealed that God is bringing my weaknesses to the surface so that they can be removed. He is taking the chains of fear and anxiety over my future that I've carried my whole life and breaking them.
The ladies laid hands on me and we pleaded to God for just that: to break the chains in the name of Jesus!
Wow! It was amazing. Talk about a spiritual battle, but in the midst of the praying God gave me a vision of all his saints standing high on the edge of a cliff in victory, watching the enemy (the pursuer of my life) get cast down and defeated by The Lord. Vindication.
Thank you, Lord. Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world.
I'm so ready for these chains to be loosed and cast away. No more will they hold me back from the blessings God has for me. Thank you, Jesus.
I know I need to let go of the Ex and what my future has. I still hope that God works things out for us, but I know I need to press on and keep my eyes on Him. I need to have a deep, abiding faith and I need to wait with expectant hope of the amazing things God has planned for me (Jeremiah 29:11). Amen!